Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelle customer story

Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelle enhance their guest journey

French hotel group embrace innovation and Mews’ user-friendly tech to save time and provide a more connected, personalized guest experience.

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conversion rate


for the Les Plumes Hotel booking engine

automated payments


for credit card transactions

saved per check-in

4 mins

with online check-in

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“One of the things I love about Mews is they are always thinking about the future, always improving and introducing new features.”

Improving the guest journey throughout the stay



A singular, prescriptive guest journey impacts the guest experience for a large number of guests who would prefer a more autonomous, connected user experience.



Through Mews Guest Journey, Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelle are able to provide guests with a number of options for their guest journey, ensuring their experience is what they prefer. For instance, online check-in and online check-out mean that guests can take care of admin before they arrive or the night before they depart. The group are also trialing the Mews Booking Engine in some properties to make a more cohesive user booking experience. At Vice Versa Hotel, guests can book rooms for day use using a separate booking engine, also through Mews.



• Online check-in is an average of four minutes faster than a traditional reception check-in
• 8% conversion rate for the booking engine at Les Plumes Hotel (3.3% is the industry average)

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Faster, more diverse payments



Taking guest payments is typically a time-consuming and impersonal process that adds no value to the guest experience.



Mews Payments allows seamless payment processing with a single click, at any point of the guest journey. This gives staff time to engage in more meaningful conversations with guests and eliminates any manual errors. It also gives guest a more diverse selection of payment methods, allowing them to choose whatever suits them best.



• 99% of credit card and APM payments are automated through Mews Payments

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“The guest journey is so important for us, and Mews has given us great flexibility. We can give guests more choice when it comes to every step of the journey, while also saving time ourselves.”

Integration spotlight

Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelle hotels all work with between 12-15 connected integrations, from business intelligence to customer management.

Experience Hotel

Experience Hotel is a cloud-based CRM and marketing platform that Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelle use to further enhance their guest’s journeys. The integration with Mews allows them to easily capture, segment, personalize and automate impactful marketing campaigns that improve guest loyalty and engagement.


STR is a hotel data analytics platform that retrieves property performance data about reservations, spaces, availability and revenue to provide the team with reliable, actionable data to assist in operational and strategic planning. STR also provide competitive benchmarking, industry trends, and more.
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Make it remarkable.

Ready to take the first step towards a more efficient, flexible, guest-centric approach to hospitality?