JO&JOE customer story

JO&JOE embrace Mews to build their modern brand

The JO&JOE brand chose a PMS with the right mindset that would grow with them.

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automated payments


to train staff and fully onboard

2 days

average increase in customer spend on F&B


“Mews is more than just a tech company; it's really a mindset, and in the hotel industry this mindset is a key value. The first time I met Mews, I realized they were perfect to build this brand and to work together.”

A mobile-first solution with great support


Onboarding new staff can be time-consuming and costly, disrupting workflows and ultimately harming the guest experience.



Thanks to Mews’ clean, intuitive interface, new users can be trained quickly. JO&JOE is able to hire and train new team members only days before a new property opens, minimizing disruption and saving on salary. Staff naturally use Mews on their phones, in keeping with the brand’s mobile-first philosophy. When required, they're able to quickly solve queries by using the Mews help site or customer support.



• Multiple hours saved every week through fast customer support
• Optimization of pre-opening budgets

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“What surprised me the most was how fast and easy it was to use. It was so simple and mobile-first – our staff were using it on their phones without being asked to do so.”

Payment automation gives back time to guests and staff



JO&JOE wanted a payment solution that would save staff time, minimize human errors, and provide guests with a smooth experience.



Almost every payment makes use of Mews’ payment automation, from direct bookings to walk-ins. By using Adyen in collaboration with Mews Payments, JO&JOE eliminated operational pain points through methods such as tokenization and the easy tracking of transactions. Guests also benefit, as they no longer to spend time and energy going through an impersonal payment process: their card data is already tokenized within the system, which means payments are processed with a single click.



• 80-90% of payments are fully automated
• Zero manual errors
• 0.04% of transactions are chargebacks (in the travel industry, the average chargeback value is 0.5%)

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Smooth check-ins for a global customer base



JO&JOE welcome guests from everywhere – they’ve had visitors from 180 of the 195 countries in the world. Such a diversity of guests requires a range of check-in options to ensure all expectations are met.



Smart automation ultimately provides JO&JOE’s guests with a more modern, seamless experience. Check-in kiosks mean that arrivals don’t have to queue at reception, which also frees up time for front desk staff to engage more meaningfully with guests. Online check-in is a popular option with a wide selection of languages that also reduces queues and gets guests to their room faster.



• Between 15-22% of guests online check-in, dependant on the property
• Digital registration cards can be completed and signed before arrival, saving time and paper at reception

“There’s more time for staff to take care of guests and to have a real-life experience with them, rather than just a functional, worklike check-in experience. This is not just about the guest but also about ensuring our team members can do what they like to do.”

Integration spotlight

JO&JOE properties typically use around 8 integrations, from tour and attraction ticket sales to a guest satisfaction tracker.


Trivec is an integration that connects Mews to JO&JOE’s POS solution. With the help of this integration, JO&JOE have created a cashless system for their bar and restaurant that integrated with room keys, achieving a better seamless customer journey, freeing time for staff, and increasing average customer spend by €2 per person.


The Quicktext integration combines all messaging into a single space. Any questions that come in via channels like live chat, SMS, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp can be responded to from within the Quicktext platform, giving the JO&JOE team the power to easily talk to guests and improve response times.
“Mews is always adapting for the market, to new trends. It's always integrating with other specialized solutions and is the perfect PMS to integrate with top providers that are going to be able to address your specific needs.”

Looking ahead

JO&JOE have recently opened their new property in Vienna, in an innovative sustainable multi-purpose building that’s also home to an Ikea, shops, and a huge rooftop terrace. The brand plan to continue their expansion in the coming years, leading the way in the Ennismore group as a digital-first, tech-savvy option for modern travelers.

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Make it remarkable.

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