Zien Group customer story

Zien Group completes a show-stopping transformation using Mews

Meet the Dutch hospitality trailblazers and see how they’re rolling out win after win on a modern cloud-native platform.

Zien Group completes a show-stopping transformation using Mews  Hero - 1245x1014-50


to train front-house staff (reduced from two weeks)


properties onboarded in just five months


integrations via Mews Marketplace

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Mews empowered us to deliver a brand-new guest journey that is fully digital and works seamlessly across all our hotels. Their guest-centric approach, drive for innovation and responsiveness to feature requests are unmatched in our industry.
Logo Zien

A show-stopping operational transformation



To ensure scalability and ease of operation, Zien Group had to streamline and standardize guest-facing and internal processes. It was imperative to overhaul their business infrastructure and systems. Their most significant challenges revolved around an antiquated landscape rife with manual processes: checking in guests required a heavily administrative approach, while night audits could take up to two hours.



After switching to Mews, Zien Group benefits from an integrated booking engine, unified payment platform, online check-in and guest engagement tools. Mews POS and Mews Kiosk have also helped transform the guest experience. From search and booking to payment, check-in and check-out, guests now enjoy a fully digital journey. Thanks to automation, Zien Group introduced a new host concept across all hotels, allowing them to dedicate more quality time to guests. This gives staff greater variety in their responsibilities and provides management with more flexibility in handling their teams.



Reception desks removed from three hotels, leaving only tablets when required

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“We simultaneously implemented Mews and four other essential systems across 11 properties in just five months without any disruption to operations.”
Logo Zien

Centralized control of all hotels through Mews Multi-Property



Processes and platforms varied across Zien Group hotels, resulting in manual and duplicated workloads when introducing standards across multiple properties. Fragmented commercial and front of house systems operated in isolation, impeding seamless processes. Access to data was delayed and laborious, compounded by outdated compliance and security protocols. 



Mews Multi-Property has proven valuable in accelerating Zien Group’s growth. It provides centralized control over all commercial aspects of the hotels. With a unified landscape, many tasks, documentation and reporting are now automated, saving considerable time and enhancing data quality. Data collection and processing are now easier and occur in real-time. Through a single central platform, Zien Group can efficiently implement commercial decisions across all hotels, such as rate adjustments.



• Improved consistency, speed and guest experience

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“Our vision was to revolutionize the guest experience while introducing a new host concept that redefines traditional staff responsibilities. We chose Mews because it takes away the boring admin stuff and lets our teams focus on great hospitality.”
Logo Zien

Swift deployment and improved staff training



Implementing new hospitality clouds has – traditionally – been a lengthy process that disrupts operations. Also, staff training programs used to be time-consuming and monotonous. 



Successful deployment in a very limited time frame was based on solid relations between the Onboarding, Customer Success, Premium Support, and Product Teams. The teams always delivered on their promises, and a true partnership was born; it was not just about buying a platform but shaping the future together. Throughout the deployment, Zien Group modernized the training of front-of-house staff by relying on Mews University & Community resources. 



Training front-house staff was reduced from two weeks to just 15 hours 

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“Hearing the enthusiasm within the market whenever we mention Mews is our PMS is reassuring. It creates trust and a solid foundation for further growth together.”
Logo Zien

Full freedom to optimize and customize new tech stack  



Technology should be a business enabler. In preparation for expansion, it was essential for Zien Group to standardize and unify all internal processes and reporting. 



Mews Open API empowered Zien Group to integrate systems and access real-time data and reporting. They could easily introduce mobile key functionality through a partnership with Hotek. Collaborating with Omniboost, Zien Group improved their BI reporting and migrated reservations from legacy systems to Mews through Open API. Integration with Siteminder enhanced the connectivity landscape. Additionally, Zien Group enhanced customization of existing Mews functionality by creating a bespoke branded website booking engine. The engine utilizes Mews logic and backend infrastructure, while the front end is entirely tailored to Zien Group’s new branding.



33 integrations via Mews Marketplace

• Bespoke booking engine created using Mews Open API

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The Mews API connector, at the heart of our tech stack, facilitates seamless integration with numerous partners, offering us an opportunity to redefine our entire commercial system landscape.
Logo Zien

Integration spotlight

With 33 live integrations, Zien Group is truly savoring the smorgasbord of the best hospitality solutions. 


Thynk is a customer-centric meeting, events and venue management software that provides a full 360° view on MICE operations. The solution allows Zien Group to centralize data in one CRM for their corporate, groups and events.


Through a two-way integration with Mews, Duetto can provide rate recommendations and restrictions to the Zien Group team. It opens the door to more advanced pricing strategies, segmentation and reporting.

Make it remarkable.

Ready to take the first step towards a more efficient, flexible, guest-centric approach to hospitality?