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FLYR (Formerly Pace Revenue) logo

FLYR (Formerly Pace Revenue)

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FLYR (Formerly Pace Revenue)


Unlock the power of AI for enhanced revenue management, through next-level decision intelligence and business insights.

Unlock the power of AI for enhanced revenue management, through next-level decision intelligence and business insights.

FLYR for Hospitality, formerly Pace Revenue, is revolutionising the hospitality industry with a commercial operating system that puts the power of machine learning and the latest data science in the hands of hospitality revenue managers.

Our Industry-leading AI-driven decision intelligence and business intelligence suite, is driving the next level of revenue management, empowering hospitality operators to make optimal commercial decisions in real-time.

FLYR’s Commercial Operating System for Hospitality includes:

  • Commercial Intelligence: An analytics suite that centralises information, providing teams with a single source of the truth, enabling them to unlock actionable insights that inform smarter decision making
  • Revenue Optimization: Harness the power of AI-driven decision intelligence to enhance revenue optimization, leading to improved forecasting and more intelligent pricing strategies.

Key Features:

  • Business Insights and Analytics
  • Price & Restriction Optimization
  • Forecasting & Planning
  • Group Management
  • Performance Analysis

Take the next step into the future of hospitality revenue management. Learn more at
