
Inspiring Independents

Get inspired by some of the world’s leading independent hotels with tips on delivering operational excellence and unrivalled guest experiences. 

Inspiring Independents
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What’s in this guide?

Go behind the scenes of eight innovative independent to see how they leverage their uniqueness, flexibility and technology to make big gains across their business.

How does a five-star Amsterdam hotel save hours every week across multiple departments? How did a Northern Irish lakeside haven boost RevPAR by 59%? And how does Berlin’s best hotel get double the average booking engine conversion rate?

There’s only one way to find out. Some of the guide’s key topics include:
  • Sustainability
  • Automation
  • Payments
  • Integrated POS
  • Direct bookings 

Inspiring Independents

Make it remarkable.

Ready to take the first step towards a more efficient, flexible, guest-centric approach to hospitality?