Mews and its affiliated companies (collectively “Mews”) are committed to good corporate citizenship and conducting business in a manner consistent with the highest ethical standards. To that end, Mews maintains policies and internal systems designed to prevent the potential use of any form of Slave Labor or Human Trafficking by its businesses, employees, contractors, and third-party suppliers.
Mews implements these and other related measures in a manner consistent with its obligations under the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act and the United Kingdom Slavery Act, respectively. Copies of Mews’ official statements under these laws are available at the following links:
California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Statement
Mews and its affiliated companies (collectively “Mews”) are committed to good corporate citizenship and conducting business in a manner consistent with the highest ethical standards. To that end, Mews strictly prohibits its businesses, employees, contractors, and suppliers from engaging in any form of Slave Labor or Human Trafficking. Mews will also take proactive and reasonable steps to identify and eliminate the use of Slave Labor and Human Trafficking from its global supply chain whenever possible.
Mews makes this statement Statement (“Statement”) pursuant to the 2015 California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (“CTSCA”). It covers Mews’ activities for the prior fiscal year (FY2022) and applies to all Mews employees, officers, directors, agents, consultants, and any other persons acting on behalf of any entity owned or controlled by Mews (“Mews Personnel”) anywhere in the world. Where applicable, this Statement also addresses Mews’ ongoing efforts to comply with the U.S. Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (“UFPLA”), the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“Modern Slavery Act”), and anti-slavery standards published by the International Labor Organization (“ILO”) (collectively “Anti-Slavery Laws”).
Supply Chain Verification
Mews is committed to promoting human rights and fair treatment for all persons. With these values in mind, Mews strictly prohibit all forms of Slave Labor identified under the Modern Slavery Act and other applicable anti-slavery laws. Notable examples include, without limitation, bonded labor, child labor, forced labor, prison labor, and other forms of indentured servitude. Mews also prohibits any form of Human Trafficking, including the transportation, harboring, recruitment, transfer, or receipt of persons by means of threat, fraud, force, exploitation, coercion, or abduction. These prohibitions extend to all Mews Personnel regardless of their location, nationality, or role within the enterprise.
In addition to overseeing its own activities, Mews also has zero tolerance for any use of Slavery or Human Trafficking by its agents, consultants, contractors, and other third-party suppliers and vendors (“Third Party Suppliers”). We expect that all Third Party Suppliers will comply with applicable wage and labor laws in the countries where they operate, and will meet internationally-recognized ILO standards in those instances where local and national laws may prove deficient. Consistent with this zero tolerance policy, the company encourages any Mews Personnel who reasonably suspect potential non-compliance by Third Party Suppliers to notify their managers or Mews’ Legal Department consistent with the company’s Whistleblower Policy.
Supplier Audits
As a Hospitality Management Platform company, Mews does not rely on foreign products, materials, or components. Mews currently has no international supply chains and does not currently deal in any of the sectors commonly associated with forced labor, human trafficking, and other forms of indentured servitude. Mews also has limited exposure to the countries appearing in the 2023 Global Slavery Index published by Walk Free, a leading non-governmental organization specializing in combatting forced labor and human trafficking.1 To the extent that Mews hires employees or engages Third Party Personnel from the high-risk jurisdictions appearing in the Global Slavery Index, it typically does so pursuant to robust labor and employment laws administered by governments in North America, Western Europe, and other jurisdictions where Slavery and Human Trafficking are comparatively rare.
It is also important to note that the Hospitality Management Platform industry involves a highly skilled, highly mobile workforce where employees typically benefit from high demand for their services, and, by extension, higher wages. This is particularly true for Mews, which provides specialized Hospitality Management Platform systems, software, and services to hotels and other similar establishments. Although some these third-party customers could theoretically experience elevated exposure to domestic Anti-Slavery Laws given the nature of their business, there is currently no reason to suspect that these third-party risks would implicate, much less adversely affect, Mews’ own operations. Working from this basis, Mews currently has no information indicating that it or its Third Party Suppliers engage in any activities contrary to the CTSCA or other applicable Anti-Slavery Laws.
Supplier Certifications
Although the use of Slavery and Human Trafficking is comparatively rare in the Hospitality Management Platform sector, Mews reserves the right to terminate Third Party Suppliers that engage in any form of Slavery or Human Trafficking. Mews also plans to seek the right to audit compliance with these standards as part of our Third Party Supplier onboarding process. In those instances where Third Party Suppliers may pose potential Slavery or Human Trafficking risks, Mews may also conduct its own independent investigations in their activities and request certifications attesting to their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act and other applicable Anti-Slavery Laws.
Internal Accountability & Employee Training
Mews is committed to conducting business with honesty and integrity. To that end, any Mews Personnel who observe any potential or actual violations of the Modern Slavery Act or other applicable Anti-Slavery Laws are encouraged to contact their Managers or the company’s Legal Department in a manner consistent with Mews’ Whistleblower Policy. The company does not permit any form of retaliation against Mews Personnel who report suspected violations of any Anti-Slavery Laws or related company policies in good faith.
United Kingdom Supplier Transparency Statement
Mews and its affiliated companies (collectively “Mews”) are committed to good corporate citizenship and conducting business in a manner consistent with the highest ethical standards. To that end, Mews strictly prohibits its businesses, employees, contractors, and suppliers from engaging in any form of Slave Labor or Human Trafficking. Mews will also take proactive and reasonable steps to identify and eliminate the use of Slave Labor and Human Trafficking from its global supply chain whenever possible.
Mews makes this Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (“Statement”) pursuant to Section 54 of the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“Modern Slavery Act”). It covers Mews’ activities for the prior fiscal year (FY2022) and applies to all Mews employees, officers, directors, agents, consultants, and any other persons acting on behalf of any entity owned or controlled by Mews (“Mews Personnel”) anywhere in the world. Where applicable, this Statement also addresses Mews’ ongoing efforts to comply with the U.S. Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (“UFPLA”), the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (“CTSCA”), and anti-slavery standards published by the International Labor Organization (“ILO”) (collectively “Anti-Slavery Laws”).
Organization & Structure
Headquartered in Amsterdam, Mews is a Hospitality Management Platform (“Hospitality Company") company that develops, deploys, and supports hospitality property management software solutions. Mews employs approximately 1,300 individuals from office and remote working locations in Australia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States and others.
Policies & Procedures
Mews is committed to promoting human rights and fair treatment for all persons. With these values in mind, Mews strictly prohibits all forms of Slave Labor identified under the Modern Slavery Act and other applicable anti-slavery laws. Notable examples include, without limitation, bonded labor, child labor, forced labor, prison labor, and other forms of indentured servitude. Mews also prohibits any form of Human Trafficking, including the transportation, harboring, recruitment, transfer, or receipt of persons by means of threat, fraud, force, exploitation, coercion, or abduction. These prohibitions extend to all Mews Personnel regardless of their location, nationality, or role within the enterprise.
In addition to overseeing its own activities, Mews also has zero tolerance for any use of Slavery or Human Trafficking by its agents, consultants, contractors, and other third-party suppliers and vendors (“Third Party Suppliers”). We expect that all Third Party Suppliers will comply with applicable wage and labor laws in the countries where they operate, and will meet internationally-recognized ILO standards in those instances where local and national laws may prove deficient. Consistent with this zero tolerance policy, the company encourages any Mews Personnel who reasonably suspect potential non-compliance by Third Party Suppliers to notify their managers or Mews’ Legal Department consistent with the company’s Whistle-Blower Policy.
Supply Chain Integrity
Although the use of Slavery and Human Trafficking is comparatively rare in the Hospitality Management Platform sector, Mews reserves the right to terminate Third Party Suppliers that engage in any form of Slavery or Human Trafficking. Mews also plans to seek the right to audit compliance with these standards as part of our Third Party Supplier onboarding process. In those instances where Third Party Suppliers may pose potential Slavery or Human Trafficking risks, Mews may also conduct its own independent investigations into their activities and request certifications attesting to their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act and other applicable Anti-Slavery Laws.
Assessing & Managing Risk
As a Hospitality Management Platform company, Mews does not rely on foreign products, materials, or components. Mews currently has no international supply chains and does not currently deal in any of the sectors commonly associated with forced labor, human trafficking, and other forms of indentured servitude. Mews also has limited exposure to the countries appearing in the 2023 Global Slavery Index published by Walk Free, a leading non-governmental organization specializing in combatting forced labor and human trafficking.1 To the extent that Mews hires employees or engages Third Party Personnel from the high-risk jurisdictions appearing in the Global Slavery Index, it typically does so pursuant to robust labor and employment laws administered by governments in North America, Western Europe, and other jurisdictions where Slavery and Human Trafficking are comparatively rare.
It is also important to note that the Hospitality Management Platform industry involves a highly skilled, highly mobile workforce where employees typically benefit from high demand for their services, and, by extension, higher wages. This is particularly true for Mews, which provides specialized Hospitality Management Platform systems, software, and services to hotels and other similar establishments. Although some these third-party customers could theoretically experience elevated exposure to domestic Anti-Slavery Laws given the nature of their business, there is currently no reason to suspect that these third-party risks would implicate, much less adversely affect, Mews’ own operations. Working from this basis, Mews currently has no information indicating that it or its Third Party Suppliers engage in any activities contrary to the Modern Slavery Act or other Anti-Slavery Laws.
Employee Training & Reporting
Mews is committed to conducting business with honesty and integrity. To that end, any Mews Personnel who observe any potential or actual violations of the Modern Slavery Act or other applicable Anti-Slavery Laws are encouraged to contact their Managers or the company’s Legal Department in a manner consistent with Mews’ Whistleblower Policy. The company does not permit any form of retaliation against Mews Personnel who report suspect violations of any Anti-Slavery Laws or related company policies in good faith.