iVvy Venues
The iVvy Venues integration allows iVvy and Mews to communicate about group bookings made in iVvy.
The iVvy Venues integration allows iVvy and Mews to communicate about group bookings made in iVvy.
When a block is created in iVvy, it will create a booking in Mews that matches the number of reservations expected as part of that block size. As the block size changes, iVvy will add or remove empty reservations against the booking.
As reservations are added either in mews or through iVvy's tools they will be added to the other system.
Supported features:
Supported data and flow:
Group bookings must be first made in iVvy
Once the booking in iVvy reaches a tentative stage, we can push the details of the booking into MEWs, holding inventory for that group.
As the forecasted size of the block changes in iVvy, we'll updated MEWs and vice-versa
Reservations added on either side are synced between the two platforms.
Cancellations of reservations will also be synced.
You also have the option to push your rates and inventory counts from Mews into iVvy to appear on your iVvy GRC, and your iVvy Booking Enging.