Mews Marketplace

1,000+ integrations – no connection fees

Customize and optimize your hospitality tech platform with one of the largest marketplaces of hospitality apps. With more than 1,000+ best-in-class applications – and no integration fees – Mews makes it easy and low-risk for you to create the perfect platform for your brand.


Event management

Backyou logo


Backyou, our cloud-based solution dedicated to hotels & hostels to optimize the managements of...

Booking Shake - Groups/Events/MICE logo

Booking Shake - Groups/Events/MICE

Event Management Software for Hospitality.

Constell  logo


Cutting-edge Event Management Software. Empowering venues to streamline all processes, increase...

Customice logo


"Online configuration, request or booking of meetings & eventscustomice is a booking engine for...



DGROOPS integration with MEWS makes registering and getting direct group bookings for hotels...

Event Temple logo

Event Temple

A robust, live, two-way integration between Mews PMS and Event Temple Sales and Catering.

iVvy Venues logo

iVvy Venues

The iVvy Venues integration allows iVvy and Mews to communicate about group bookings made in iVvy.

Korbyt Events logo

Korbyt Events

Rendezvous and Mews PMS Integration.

Lab Event logo

Lab Event

Lab Event is an all-in-one event management software designed to streamline the planning, booking,...

LetShare logo


Letshare helps you to manage your meeting rooms by preparing easy function sheets, contracts,...

MeetingPackage logo


MeetingPackage simplifies venue booking for groups, boosting sales and automating operations for...

MiceRate logo


MiceRate is a algorithm based revenue management system for meeting & event spaces. It combines...

Proposales logo


Proposales is the modern solution for hotels to send proposals for Groups & MICE bookings with...

Pxier Events logo

Pxier Events

Pxier Events cloud-based software service is designed for all your event management needs.

ResDiary logo


StarGO logo


StarGO is a cloud based end-to-end solution specifically designed to serve as the perfect...

STS Cloud logo

STS Cloud

STS Cloud is a comprehensive, cloud-based sales and catering system with over three decades of...

Thynk.Cloud logo


Thynk is a hospitality solution powered by Salesforce. We help hospitality teams globally drive...

Tripleseat logo


Tripleseat is the leading cloud-based sales and catering management platform used worldwide.

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