Mews Marketplace

1,000+ integrations – no connection fees

Customize and optimize your hospitality tech platform with one of the largest marketplaces of hospitality apps. With more than 1,000+ best-in-class applications – and no integration fees – Mews makes it easy and low-risk for you to create the perfect platform for your brand.



24SevenOffice logo


24SevenOffice’s Finance and Accounting software has everything you need, fully integrated into one...

Abacus logo


Abacus Financial Accounting is proven in practice and has been in use in thousands of companies and...

Accountview logo


AccountView offers business software to organizations that want to get more out of their business...

Ad Hoc Revolution logo

Ad Hoc Revolution

Connect Mews with Ad Hoc Revolution to simplify managing your accommodation facility.

Afas logo


The MEWS to AFAS connection is provided by Omniboost and ensures a complete accounting data...

AG E-Invoice (Factura Electronica) logo

AG E-Invoice (Factura Electronica)

E-invoicing reporting.

Asincorp logo


The ASINC Suite is an ERP that helps to manage all the administrative, financial and commercial...

Asperion logo


Accounting has never been easier than with Asperion.

Basware logo


Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Basware.

Bexio Accounting logo

Bexio Accounting

Bexio is a Swiss accounting platform perfectly tailored to the needs of SME’s.

BK Mews logo

BK Mews

The completed italian accountability integration to Business Central

BMD logo


BMD covers all areas of a tax firm: from daily bookkeeping, to quick payroll accounting, accounts...

BookingTrust logo


BookingTrust is a cloud based software property accounting suite designed for Trust and Host...

Business Central Integration By Grupo Dynasoft logo

Business Central Integration By Grupo Dynasoft

The Mews x Business Central Integration streamlines hotel accounting by automating data transfer...

Cegid logo


The MEWS to Cegid connection is provided by Omniboost and ensures a complete accounting data...

Ciel logo


Ciel offers a total solution that covers all aspects of accounting.

Columbi Connect logo

Columbi Connect

Integration with Visma ERP.

Datev logo


Mews connects with Datev to allow for the transfer of your accounting related information from the...

Dyflexis logo


Dyflexis is used by thousands of different companies to easily create smart schedules and track...

E-conomic - Powered by Emonkey logo

E-conomic - Powered by Emonkey

Simplify your accounting with Emonkey’s seamless integration between MEWS and e-conomic, efficient,...

Enlace A3Erp logo

Enlace A3Erp

A3Erp is an enterprise resource planning tool.

Enova 365 logo

Enova 365

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Enova Accounting.

Exact Globe logo

Exact Globe

Exact Globe offers real-time insight into finances as well as relationship management tools with...

Exact Online logo

Exact Online

Exact Online offers real-time insight into finances as well as relationship management tools with...

Expert/M logo


Expert / M is the most complete accounting software on the Belgian market and allows you to easily...

Filosof logo


Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Filosof Accounting.

Finalytic logo


Finalytic automates accounting for property managers around the world.

Fortnox - Powered by Emonkey logo

Fortnox - Powered by Emonkey

Simplify your accounting with Emonkey’s seamless integration between MEWS and Fortnox—efficient,...

Fortnox by Omniboost logo

Fortnox by Omniboost

Fortnox is a cloud-based accounting system popular in smaller hotels.

Fulll logo


Fulll is a web software publisher dedicated to chartered accountants, employees and entrepreneurs.

HMD Software logo

HMD Software

Easily connect your Mews property to your HMD Software account via this integration.

Hogia logo


By connecting your Mews environment to Hogia by Omniboost you will automate the daily transfer of...

Hotel Finance logo

Hotel Finance

Connects Mews with the financial accounting of Hotel Finance.

Hotel Investor Apps logo

Hotel Investor Apps

Hotel Investor Apps is specifically designed for Hotels and allows for time savings with...

Hotelinvoicer logo


The leading e-invoicing solution for the tourism industry.

iMuis logo


With iMUIS Online Accounting you have a grip on your finances through current figures.

Indonesia Tax logo

Indonesia Tax

Connect your MEWS PMS environment for Indonesia Tax.

King logo


King accounting software provides you with an accountancy dashboard that allows you a full overview...

M3 Accounting Software logo

M3 Accounting Software

M3 is a cloud-based accounting software solution with main features including project management,...

Maventa logo


Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Maventa.

Merit logo


Merit Aktiva makes it easy to send out sales invoices and take care of even the most challenging...

MEWS to SAGE 100 (Cloud) France logo

MEWS to SAGE 100 (Cloud) France

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAGE 100 (Cloud) Accounting.

MEWS to SAGE 100 Switzerland logo

MEWS to SAGE 100 Switzerland

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAGE 100 Switzerland Accounting.

MEWS to SAGE 1000 France logo

MEWS to SAGE 1000 France

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAGE 1000 France Accounting.

MEWS to SAGE 200 Spain logo

MEWS to SAGE 200 Spain

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAGE 200 Spain Accounting.

MEWS to SAGE 300 South-Africa logo

MEWS to SAGE 300 South-Africa

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAGE 300 South-Africa Accounting.

MEWS to SAGE 50 UK logo


Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAGE 50 UK Accounting.

MEWS to SAGE BOB 50 logo


Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAGE BOB 50 Accounting.

MEWS to SAGE Coala France logo

MEWS to SAGE Coala France

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAGE Coala France Accounting.

MEWS to SAGE One South-Africa logo

MEWS to SAGE One South-Africa

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAGE One South-Africa Accounting.

MEWS to SAP B1 France logo

MEWS to SAP B1 France

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAP B1 France Accounting.

MEWS to SAP B1 Spain logo

MEWS to SAP B1 Spain

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAP B1 Spain Accounting.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central logo

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Dynamics 365 Business Central is cloud accounting software that will help your business streamline...

Minox logo


Obtain complete and up-to-date visibility of your accounting (integration) with your PMS and/or POS.

NetSuite by Oracle logo

NetSuite by Oracle

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Oracle Netsuite Accounting.

Octopus logo


Octopus Accountancy Software is an established name in the world of online accounting software with...

Odoo logo


Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Odoo Accounting.

Operandi Accounting logo

Operandi Accounting

Night Audit / Accounting Reports by Operandi, are offering all audit reports and accounting entries...

Pennylane logo


The all-in-one tool for Finance and Accounting.

Power Office logo

Power Office

Norway's leading accounting system for companies and accountants.

PowerOffice - Powered by logo

PowerOffice - Powered by

Simplify your accounting with Emonkey’s seamless integration between MEWS and...

Procountor logo


Procountor is a real-time financial management software that has created growth places with its...

QuadraCOMPTA logo


Quadracompta is a highly-proven cloud-based accounting software solution.

QuickBooks Online logo

QuickBooks Online

Quickbooks is an accounting system that seamlessly transfer all your financial information from the...

Reeleezee logo


Reeleezee is an accounting solution which makes it easy with no incomprehensible accounting terms...

Ropo Norway (NO) logo

Ropo Norway (NO)

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with ROPO Capital.

Ropo Sweden (SE) logo

Ropo Sweden (SE)

Connect your Mews PMS environment with ROPO Capital.

SAGE 50 (Cloud) Spain logo

SAGE 50 (Cloud) Spain

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAGE 50 (Cloud) Accounting.

Sage Intacct logo

Sage Intacct

Save valuable time and reduce the potential for manual errors by automating the transfer of your...

SAP B1 UK logo


Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAP B1 UK Accounting.

SAP R3 Switzerland logo

SAP R3 Switzerland

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with SAP R3 Switzerland Accounting.

Snelstart logo


Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Snelstart Accounting.

SoftOne logo


Soft1 Books is a comprehensive accounting management solution that delivers time and money saving...

Summar ERP logo

Summar ERP

Download and post in Dynamics NAV .

Sun Accounting logo

Sun Accounting

SunSystems accounting software gives you a powerful unified ledger, unrivalled multi-currency,...

TripleTex logo


Clear and user-friendly accounting with solutions that make the job faster and easier. Efficient...

Twinfield logo


Twinfield is an online accounting solution. Twinfield works as a web application, allowing users to...

Unit4 logo


Unit4 is an accounting software that is fully integrated with Mews to provide daily reports from...

Unit4 Venice logo

Unit4 Venice

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Unit4 Venice Accounting.

Visma Business logo

Visma Business

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Visma Business.

Visma Economic logo

Visma Economic

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Visma Economic Accounting. logo

Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Accounting.

Voxel logo


Streamlined eBilling & hassle-free B2B payments.

WinBooks logo


Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Winbooks Accounting.

Xero logo


Xero is a small business accounting software, providing features that include invoicing, payruns,...

Yardi logo


Connect your MEWS PMS environment with Yardi Accounting.

Yuki logo


Yuki is an online accounting solution for entrepreneurs and accountants, ensuring up-to-date,...

Zen soft logo

Zen soft

Zen soft understands that financial software is the backbone of any SME.

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