Having streamlined hotel operations processes is one of the most important elements of a successful hotel and a seamless guest experience. Guests have higher standards than ever and expect a flawless stay for their hard-earned money. To meet these expectations, improving operational efficiency is key. 

While there are without a doubt many ways to improve the operational capacity of your hotel, one of the key areas is communication – both getting feedback and hearing what your guests want, as well as communication within your team. 

Another important area is investing in the right software to make operations smoother, as well as upskilling your team and making sure they feel confident in their decision making. A hotel should work in such a smooth way that guests are not aware of what is happening behind the scenes, but in doing so are ensured a great experience. Get your notebook ready as we define the concept of hotel operations and give you six ideas to help you gear up. 

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What do we mean by hotel operations? 

When we talk about hotel operations, we are referring to the whole process of how a hotel runs on a daily basis. In order for a hotel to be successful, all these moving parts must be closely coordinated, with optimal communication so that guests are ensured a top-notch experience. 

This includes day-to-day management of the hotel, such as housekeeping, maintenance, concierge, and front desk tasks, to managing bookings and personnel to ensure that each step of the guest’s journey is cared for, from the time of booking to check-in and check-out. 

The best way to manage these processes is with a hospitality operations platform that helps streamline all the different processes with a single solution. Ideally, you should be able to track reservation and revenue management, front-office operations, and housekeeping all in one platform.

what do we mean by hotel operations

Why are hotel operations important? 

Hotel operations are important because they are essentially the backbone of any successful hotel. Let’s look at some of the top reasons why having consistent operations can boost guest loyalty and your hotel’s reputation. 

Guest satisfaction 

The more efficient your operations, the more you can positively impact guest satisfaction. The more satisfied guests are, the more likely they are to leave positive reviews, which in turn can translate into repeat business, and more brand advocacy. 

Revenue management 

If you want to manage bookings, pricing and occupancy rates effectively, then it is critical to have well-functioning operations because this will offer more chances to maximize both revenue and profit. 

Controlling costs 

When your operations work efficiently, this means you can control costs because you’re no longer wasting time and money on inefficiencies. This in turn helps boost your hotel’s bottom line.  

Staff productivity 

When your operations run effectively, your staff can perform their duties efficiently, leading to greater job satisfaction. When staff are well-trained, they are more motivated to deliver top-notch guest experiences, which results in lower turnover rates, and better service.  

What is the role and responsibilities of a hotel operations manager?

A hotel operations manager is responsible for managing and coordinating hotel operations. They oversee daily operations, seeing to it that all departments are running smoothly, ensuring guest satisfaction, and resolving any issues that may arise. In some cases, they might also take charge of scheduling staff shifts and ensuring operational efficiency. 

They control cleanliness, maintenance and ensure that the overall hotel appearance is up to par, conducting regular audits. They may also build and manage relationships with key partners and clients. Should there be a crisis, they are the ones that develop emergency procedures. A hotel operations manager would also make sure that the hotel management software is being used effectively to improve operations.

what is the role and responsibilities of a hotel operations manager

Best software to manage hotel operations 

The best software to manage hotel operations is one which can easily automate, improve and create efficiency in hotel operations. A more-in-one hotel Property Management System like Mews can help to manage everything in one place, freeing up more time for your staff to create a frictionless guest experience. 

By simplifying operations, like staff scheduling, housekeeping, back office, revenue management and front desk, a PMS can make sure your hotel is running as smoothly as possible, without the chance of human error.  

9 ways to improve your hotel operations 

There are many ways to improve the way your hotel runs. Here are our nine top tips for streamlining your processes. 

1. Communication is key 

As in any company, there is nothing more important than good communication starting from the ground up. Good communication between staff, managers and guests on a daily basis sets the foundations for everything else. 

Staff should feel like they’re “in-the-know” and that they know who to go to if they have a problem. They should also be empowered to make decisions. They must know important information such as the arrival of VIPs or events happening at a hotel, or if a guest has booked a room for a special occasion such as an anniversary or a birthday. 

Informed staff are better equipped to make guests feel special and to make them feel like they’re being pampered. Make sure your staff check in with guests throughout their stay to make sure all their needs are being met; this way you can target potential problems before they manifest into complaints. 

2. Upskill your team 

Nothing speaks better of your hotel than well-trained staff. They are the face of your hotel, so make sure your team is upskilled constantly. Not only will upskilling help staff feel like they are progressing in their career and feel more confident, but it will also empower them to handle situations even outside of their job description. 

Make it part of your hotel’s practice to conduct regular training in any subject from leadership to accounting, or even computer skills. This training can also be across departments. For example, front desk staff can be trained in housekeeping so they know what should be in each room upon check-in. By upskilling your staff across all departments, your team will better understand the hotel’s operations holistically, and will therefore be better capable of solving problems. 

Before you can be a manager you have to know the ins and outs of each department so that you can accurately guide your staff to be the best they can be. 

3. Choose the right software 

Having the right operations software can make a huge difference in improving your hotel operations. Mews can improve your operations in many ways, but one of the most important ones is by providing integrations to your partners so that you can manage everything from one place.  

You also have the ability to manage reservations and bookings all in one place, tracking availability and accessing different views from a centralized dashboard that updates in real time. You can also manage revenue through the software, and the app allows housekeepers to manage their own tasks and smart scheduling to make the team more efficient. 

With all these integrations, operations can be streamlined through a simple program so that your human resources can provide the best quality guest experiences, rather than on mundane tasks like scheduling. Tasks become less time-consuming and remove the risk of human error.  

4. Fix things before they become a problem 

Fixing things before they become a problem can apply to many areas of how your hotel works. We recommend all hoteliers spend the night in different kinds of hotel rooms (i.e., standard, suite, deluxe) so that they can put themselves in the shoes of their guests. Is there a light bulb that’s loose or a leaky faucet? Is the bed comfortable? Are there enough hangers and space for guests to put away their things and feel like they’re at home? 

Taking a moment to perform preventative maintenance or to make sure there is nothing missing from the guest’s hotel room experience will make sure you can catch potential holes in your services before they become a problem. 

This same rule of thumb can be applied when your reception staff notices that guests are consistently asking for more towels, pillows or bottled water. Instead of making guests ask for what they need, give them what they need in the first place. Once you spot a trend, do something about it. 

5. Guest feedback matters 

Feedback is important so make sure guests have a place to give it to you. The old way of doing it is by leaving comment cards in your rooms, and having your front desk staff ask for feedback at check out. Nowadays, you can automate emails that get sent once a guest has left your property as part of your guest retention plan. Not only will guests be pleased to know that their opinion counts, it’s a free way of conducting market research, which allows you to see holes in your operations in order to streamline the guest experience. 

If you get positive feedback, invite guests to share it online. If you find negative comments, make sure to respond and give a solution, such as a free night’s stay or a free breakfast for their next stay. Reputation management is one of the most important elements of your operations. When managing the feedback make sure to be human. Don’t robotize your comments; instead, put yourself in the shoes of the customers so you respond the best way possible.  

6. Make sure your operations are not stagnant 

Nothing says a top hotel experience like one that is constantly striving for perfection. The same goes for how a hotel works; constantly strive for operational perfection by assessing how things are working and getting feedback from your key staff members to see how processes can be improved. 

A hotel should work like a fine oiled machine, but since hotels are a non-stop 24-hour machine, the oil needs changed regularly. That is to say that hotel operations should be changed and maintained on a regular basis. Update processes that are obsolete, conduct regular training so your team knows how things work, and refine, refine, refine.  

7. Implement quality control procedures 

To ensure your operations are working as they should, it’s a good idea to implement regular inspections of rooms and facilities to make sure cleanliness standards are being respected. Don’t neglect your guest feedback either! Survey them with short and concise push notifications to see how well you are performing. There’s always the option of sending in a mystery shopper who can easily identify gaps in service, too. 

8. Leverage data 

It’s important to use data in your favor to see how well your hotel is performing based on key performance metrics. This way you can also identify patterns and discover where there is room for improvement. You can use your strong performing points to effectively tailor marketing strategies. 

9. Mobile check-in/check-out 

Mobile check-in and check-out are a great way to reduce wait times at the front desk. The more guests can take charge of their experience, the happier they will be. Plus, mobile check-in is a great way to take off the pressure on the front desk, especially during peak times, so the front desk can focus on answering questions and welcoming guests.

mobile check-in check-out

5 trends in managing hotel operations 

Due to the dynamic nature of the hospitality industry, it’s crucial to stay up to date on the latest trends in order to ensure you’re performing well in the face of the competition. 

Using technology to streamline the guest experience 

Technology is a major player in managing hotel operations. Things like virtual assistants that can handle guest inquiries and bookings around the clock are a great way to minimize the pressure on the front desk. The Internet of Things (IoT) is another common deployment, allowing guests to control in-room settings without the need for assistance.  

Go mobile 

Mobile check-in and check-out are another common trend as more and more guests want to manage everything quickly and easily from the palm of their hands. This means that guests are also more likely to use mobile wallets and digital wallets as a payment method, so it will be important to integrate different kinds of payment choices into the guest journey. 


Personalization and customization within the in-room experience is becoming more and more common, allowing guests to take charge of their hotel stay. Hotels can use tailored recommendations to enhance the in-room experience, taking personalization to the next level.

Flexible and remote spaces 

As digital nomads and remote workers begin to call hotels home, guests will seek more flexible hotel spaces where the lobby can double as a coworking area, and high-speed internet is the norm. Consider investing in ergonomic chairs and desks to ensure comfort for this guest profile. Additionally, incorporating staff dedicated to attending to the needs of these digital nomads will be essential. 


Service robots will be the norm, doing tasks such as delivering room service, helping to clean and offering concierge services, which will take the pressure off the different departments that normally would provide these services.


We’ve looked at nine of the best ways to improve your hotel’s operations. The key components of a smooth experience are solid communication, asking for feedback, fixing things before they become a problem, upskilling your staff, and choosing the right software. 

While operations are fluid, constantly changing and evolving, one thing is for certain: by implementing some of these tricks, hoteliers are bound to offer top-of-the-line experiences that will lead to improved guest retention and the fidelity of your brand.


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