Imagine a world where your hotel not only remembers your guests but anticipates their every need before they even step through the door.  

That’s the power of integrating a property management system (PMS) with a customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Together, they can transform how you manage guest data, operations, and marketing, helping you deliver personalized experiences at scale. 

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Why every hotel should connect their PMS and CRM

Let’s dive into how combining these two systems can help you get closer to your guests and boost your team’s productivity. 

1. Deliver personalization that wows

Personalization isn’t just about remembering names. When your PMS and CRM work in harmony, you can go beyond the basics and deliver tailored guest experiences that feel like magic. Use past stay data to assign a guest’s favorite sea-facing room, automatically adjust the minibar to remove alcohol for teetotalers, or send a pre-booking link to your foodies who always eat in your restaurant.  

The result? Experiences that are unique to each guest, every single time. By anticipating their needs, you’re not only enhancing the guest experience – you’re turning one-time visitors into lifelong fans. 

2. Prioritize what matters most

It’s easy to get lost in the sea of accounts or guest profiles, but when you’ve got the right data at your fingertips, you can cut through the noise. Combining PMS data with CRM insights helps you identify which corporate accounts are driving the most revenue. Whether your sales team needs to focus on nurturing key relationships or re-engaging customers that have seen a dip in spending, having access to this data is crucial. 

Prioritization isn’t just about the numbers; it’s about making smart, strategic decisions that grow your business. 

3. Reward your most loyal guests

Everyone loves feeling appreciated, especially your most loyal guests. With data-driven insights from your PMS and CRM, it’s easy to spot repeat visitors and reward them accordingly. Whether it’s an invite to an exclusive event or a personalized promotion, showing guests that you value their loyalty goes a long way in strengthening your relationship. 

Loyalty breeds advocacy, and nothing beats a happy guest who’s excited to return – and tell others about it. 

4. Segment like a pro

Every guest interaction tells a story. And when you’ve got access to all that data, the possibilities for segmentation are endless. By diving into booking history, preferences, and hotel interactions, you can group guests into segments that make your marketing efforts more precise and effective.  

Maybe you have a segment of luxury travelers who like the finer things and make full use of your concierge. Or business professionals who add on a leisure night with their partner. Knowing this helps you deliver relevant offers and experiences. 

Segmentation isn’t just a marketing tactic; it’s how you make your guests feel seen and understood. 

5. Boost efficiency, reduce errors

When your PMS and CRM are integrated, data flows seamlessly between them. This means that whenever information is updated in one system, it’s automatically reflected in the other. No more manually entering details into multiple platforms, and no more errors caused by out-of-date information. Your team can spend less time managing systems and more time focused on delivering excellent service.

Breaking down data silos not only makes your staff more efficient but also ensures your whole operation runs smoother, from front desk to marketing to sales. 


Mews + Salesforce: a connection that powers remarkable experiences 

At Mews, we understand the power and opportunity that comes from a well-connected PMS and CRM. That’s why we’ve built a direct two-way connection to Salesforce, enabling our mutual customers to harness the full potential of their guest data. 

By syncing detailed reservation and guest profiles between systems, this integration allows you to deliver personalized experiences while improving operational efficiency.

Want to learn more about how this integration can elevate your guest experience?