1. Introduction

  • 1.1 Applicable Terms. These Onboarding – Product Terms of Use form an integral part of the Agreement into which they are incorporated by reference and shall apply to the provision of Onboarding Services by Mews to the Partner.

2. Definitions

  • 2.1. Definitions. Capitalized words not defined in these Onboarding – Product Terms of Use Terms shall have the same meanings as given in the applicable Agreement or the Master Terms and Conditions
    • 2.1.1. “Onboarding Services” means the onboarding services for the Mews Platform provided by Mews to the Partner.

3. Onboarding Services

  • 3.1. Onboarding packages. Mews may offer Onboarding Services as predefined packages, subject to the terms specified below.
Onboarding Packages Description and applicable terms
Standard Online Onboarding
  • A series of remote, structured calls with the dedicated onboarding manager
  • Access to Mews University and Mews University Live Sessions for training
  • Remote go-live assistance and hypercare period of 5 days

The Partner shall be solely responsible for setting up the system, which includes system configuration, integration connectivity, and reservation imports.

Premium Online Onboarding
  • Subject to the Partner's cooperation and based on the information provided by the Partner during a series of remote, structured design sessions, Mews will set up the system, including system configuration, integration connectivity, and reservation imports.
  • Access to Mews University and Mews University Live Sessions for training, plus a private 2-hour online session. 
  • Remote go-live assistance and hypercare period of 10 days
Standard Onsite Onboarding
  • A series of remote, structured calls with the dedicated onboarding manager.
  • Access to Mews University, and 2 days of onsite user training provided.
  • 2 days of onsite go-live assistance and remote hypercare period of 5 days The Partner shall be solely responsible for setting up the system, which includes system configuration, integration connectivity, and reservation imports.
Premium Onsite Onboarding
  • Subject to the Partner's cooperation and based on the information provided by the Partner during a series of remote, structured design sessions, Mews will set up the system, including system configuration, integration connectivity, and reservation imports.
  • Access to Mews University, and 3 days of onsite user training provided.
  • 2 days of onsite go-live assistance and remote hypercare period of 10 days
Digital Onboarding
  • Pre-made and structured digital resources to facilitate the Partner ‘s onboarding.
  • Access to Mews University and Mews University Live Sessions for training
  • Remote go-live assistance The Partner shall be solely responsible for its onboarding and setting up the system, which includes system configuration, integration connectivity, and reservation imports.
Train the trainer
  • Mews will provide comprehensive training to the Partner's training team, which includes access to a customized online learning path, participation in 9 onsite workshops, and the opportunity to shadow 3 onsite onboardings of Facilities (properties).
  • The training will take place at a mutually agreed time and date by Mews and the Partner. This training program will culminate in the certification of the Partner's training team as "Product Champions”.
  • The Product Champions are eligible to conduct onboarding for Facilities (properties) that are operated by the Partner(s) meeting the following criteria: (i) the Partners are Affiliates of one another (they belong to the same group), (ii) they have executed order forms for the purchase of the Mews Services under the same Master Agreement, and (iii) they have purchased the digital onboarding package from Mews.

It is strictly prohibited for the Product Champions to conduct onboarding, deployment, or similar services for Facilities (properties) and any other third parties outside of their own group.


    • 3.2. Responsibility for Accuracy of Setup and Imported Data. Irrespective of the type of Onboarding Services provided by the Partner, it is the Partner's sole responsibility to ensure that all the setup and imported data are accurate.
    • 3.3. Mews Services. The Onboarding Services are considered 'Mews Services' as defined in the Master Terms and Conditions. The Master Terms and Conditions shall apply to the provision of Onboarding Services, and in the case of any discrepancies between

4. Billing and Payment terms

  • 4.1. Invoice. Mews will issue an invoice for the Onboarding Services after the conclusion of the applicable Agreement, and the invoice will be due as per the payment terms outlined in the Agreement and the Master Terms and Conditions.

5. Mandatory Premium Support Subscription

  • 5.1. Mandatory Premium Support Subscription. Along with purchasing either the Premium Online Onboarding or Premium Onsite Onboarding, the Partner agrees to subscribe to Premium Support for a minimum period of 12 months, starting on the Starting Date (as specified in the Master Terms and Conditions), and to pay the additional fees for Premium Support (which are not included in the fees for the Onboarding Services).
  • 5.2. Termination. The Partner may terminate Premium Support by providing a 90-day termination notice, only after the expiration of the 12-month minimum term.
  • 5.3. Premium Support Terms. The provision of Premium Support by Mews to the Partner is subject to the Premium Support Terms available at https://www.mews.com/en/terms-conditions/premium-support, and the Partner agrees to be bound by them.
  • 5.4. Order of priority. In the event of any discrepancies between these Onboarding – Product Terms of Use and the Premium Support Terms, this Onboarding – Product Terms of Use shall prevail.

6. Travel and Accommodation Expenses

  • 6.1 Travel and Accommodation Expenses. The Partner agrees that travel and accommodation expenses, whether incurred by Mews or any of its subcontractors, if applicable, in connection with onsite assistance and services provision, are not included in the Fees specified for the Onboarding Services.
    • 6.1.1. The Partner shall bear its own costs relating to the travel and accommodation expenses incurred by the Partner's team.
  • 6.2 Reimbursement. The Partner agrees to reimburse Mews for all travel and accommodation expenses incurred by Mews or any of its subcontractors, in relation to the onsite assistance and services provision. These expenses include, but are not limited to, travel arrangements such as flights, train tickets, car rentals, and mileage; accommodation costs if not provided by the Partner; and up to 100 EUR (or equivalent in local currency) per day per person for meals if not provided by the Partner.

7. Changes to the Onboarding – Product Terms of Use

  • 7.1 Changes. Mews may, at its sole discretion and at any time, make changes to these Onboarding - Product Terms of Use, including any documents incorporated by reference herein. The Parties agree that Mews will inform the Partner of any changes to the Onboarding - Product Terms of Use by posting a new version or by making it otherwise available to the Partner on or before the effective date of those changes.