Mews Guest Experience

Your guests deserve remarkable

Today’s guests have high expectations. Mews PMS is built around the guest and their experience, empowering you to give them what they want at every stage of their stay and beyond.

booking engine
Booking engine

Drive more direct bookings

Make direct bookings easier for guests and more profitable for you. Our user-friendly booking engine is loaded with customizable options and details that make it easy for guests to find the room they want.

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"Using the Mews booking engine, we got 40% more direct bookings in the first year."

David Henning, CEO/Co-founder

Digital guest portal 

Digital services for digital-savvy guests 

Modern guests want modern ways to connect. Digital services in our guest experience software let them chat and check-in or out however, whenever and wherever they want. 

Mews Kiosk 

Put an end to
check-in queues 

Put guests in control of their on-site check-in, upsell purchases and even their payments while you watch revenue and guest satisfaction go up. 

faster check-ins with Mews Kiosk
Hotel Maashof, Netherlands
Digital Key

Offer a contactless experience from end-to-end

Give guests the freedom to access rooms using their devices – saving time for you and them. That’s no long queues, no lost keycards and a fully contactless experience, all fully integrated with Mews.


“Mews helps to give our guests a more modern experience, from self-check-in to instant payments, making them more engaged with our hotel as well as increasing their average spend.”

Tini Diekmann, Deputy Hotel Manager Hotel Oderberger

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Hotel Oderberger1
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Everything you need to provide remarkable guest experiences



We've been in the cloud since day one. Cloud solutions are in our DNA.


Your business revolves around the guest. So does Mews.


1,000+ partner integrations to deliver your unique experiences.



Fast check-ins and automation make for better guest experiences.



Whatever your size, whatever your segment, Mews works.
Cog icon


Solutions that drive disengagement from tech and connection with guests.


What is guest experience software? 

Guest experience software is the hotel software used by properties to enhance the guest experience. It can include a variety of functionalities that will cover the entire guest journey – from booking to pre-stay, check-in, and even in-stay messaging.

Modern guest experience software should be intuitive and easy to use as well as being mobile-optimized and frictionless. It can also unlock additional revenue opportunities for the hotel while at the same time giving guests options that fit their individual wants and needs. For example, some guests will enjoy in-person experiences while others prefer to self-serve and waste no time. A good platform will solve for both types of experiences.

What makes the guest experience platform from Mews different? 

Mews is designed to be guest first – from operations on through to the guest-facing software. This includes a booking engine, online check-in and out, instant chat that goes straight to the front desk staff, and kiosk software that allows you to turn any tablet into a digital greeter. Mews Kiosk lets guests check themselves in easily and even cut their own keys or add upsells to their reservation. They can also check out just as quickly, without the risk of a queue to slow their departure.

All of this also saves staff time and unlocks additional revenue.

What are the benefits of the Mews Booking Engine? 

Mews Booking Engine is so easy to use that our customers report their direct bookings go up by as much as XX percent – offering significant savings on OTA fees and delivering a branded experience to their guests from the first touch. Additionally, the booking engine makes it easy to include revenue-driving upsells, even parking, meeting rooms and co-working spaces which can be booked by the hour.

What is important to look for in guest experience software? 

As the name implies, guest experience software should be able to support your vision of a remarkable guest experience and the expectations of your guests. This means you should be able to customize the look and feel to reflect your brand, and this should be consistent at every touchpoint in the guest journey.

On top of that, the software should be intuitive so that guests can complete tasks like booking their perfect room or checking in online and via mobile devices in just a few taps. It also should be connected to your payment processing system so guests can have the option to pay securely at any point.


Lastly, the software should offer ways for the guests to customize and enhance their stay seamlessly, which also allows you to unlock more ancillary revenue effortlessly.  

Make it remarkable.

Ready to take the first step towards a more efficient, flexible, guest-centric approach to hospitality?