First impressions can make or break a guest’s experience, and the way in which you are greeting guests is critical as the first point of onsite contact. Your greeting is a way of making a hotel guest feel at home right away, so be sure to make it count
It’s a way of starting conversation and breaking down barriers established by the unknown, and an opportunity to connect with people and create a personal bond.
Some of the simplest tricks to provide an amazing welcome are to smile, attend to the guest as soon as possible, and if you’re busy, acknowledge their presence and then go back to what you’re doing until you can help them. Asking and anticipating questions that they may have will help make a guest feel comfortable and like they’ve made the right choice when deciding where to stay.
In this article we will discuss the 20 best ways of greeting guests to provide the perfect hotel welcome.
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Best practices for greeting guests in your hotel
1. Establish eye contact
One of the first (and arguably most important) practices in greeting guests is establishing eye contact. This form of non-verbal communication helps the guest feel recognized even if you are tied up on the phone or engaged in other activities.
Simply look them in the eyes, and signal to them you have seen them and will be with them as soon as possible. Make sure to continue doing this as you engage with them, as eye contact establishes a connection from the get-go.
2. Dress to impress
Since first impressions are so important, it’s crucial to make sure your staff is dressed to impress. One way to do this is by providing uniforms for staff so that customers can quickly identify who they need to go to for help. Uniforms also provide a sense of professionality that simply cannot be portrayed when everyone is dressed differently.
Psychologically speaking, when your staff feels good about what they’re wearing or how they look, they feel a sense of confidence which is reflected in their work. It can help them to provide top-notch service and do their work more smoothly, simply because they feel self-assured and can represent the hotel’s brand in the best possible way. If the style and brand of your property is more informal and a traditional uniform doesn’t make sense, make sure staff have a clear, visible name tag or something else that immediately identifies them.
3. Ask questions
Questions are always a good way to connect with guests. People love to talk about themselves so giving them a chance to do so helps guests to feel at home right away. Since there’s typically a lot of paperwork to take care of upon arrival (well, there doesn’t need to be if you’re using Mews Property Management System), asking questions about their journey and what plans they have while they’re visiting can make it a more pleasant experience. This way, you can also capitalize on opportunities to upsell your services, tours and amenities. Asking questions is essentially a quick way to do market research and find out what your guests want.
4. A smile goes a long way
The saying goes “when I smile, the world smiles back at me.” Incorporate this way of life into your welcome greeting. There’s nothing better than being greeted with a warm smile and someone genuinely asking how you are doing after a long trip. It’s also a nice way to break the ice.
5. Offer to help
Offering assistance, even if it’s politely declined, is always appreciated. See whether your guest would like help with their baggage, or if they want to be shown around the premises. These thoughtful touches are a great way to go above and beyond and leave a lasting impression.
6. Be cordial even if you’re busy
The hospitality industry is extremely fast paced, so it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the work you need to do. Don’t let the stress get to you, and most importantly, don’t let the guests see your stress. Even if you’re busy, make sure to be cordial to the guests and let them know you’re busy and that you’ll try to be with them as quickly as possible. In this way they will feel reassured and not mind the wait.
7. Make guests feel special
There’s always enough time to make your guests feel special. Consult the booking to find out if there’s a birthday or special occasion they are celebrating. If so, acknowledge this upon check-in. This will go a long way. If you want to go even further, why not have a bottle of champagne or flowers in their room to greet them?
8. Indicate points of interest within the hotel
Make a guest feel a sense of belonging when they check in by providing information about important points of interest within the hotel like the bar, restaurant, pool and other services and amenities you offer. This information can be easily conveyed without feeling like an upsell, but at the same time, it’s a smart way of informing guests that these services are available.
9. Anticipate the questions guests will ask and answer them before they do
Everyone loves the feeling that you read their mind. Tourists all have similar doubts and questions so make sure to answer the most common ones when you’re welcoming new arrivals. Mews’ virtual concierge is just one of the ways you can make your customers feel like their needs can be met at all times.
With a digital concierge, guests can take full control of their experience. They can contact you with real-time messaging, meaning you can provide outstanding service just by directly answering their questions and responding in a timely manner. Plus check-in and check-outs can be anticipated, allowing guests to check in and out from their cell phones and laptops, helping to reduce lines at the hotel front desk
10. Provide accurate wait times
You may be busy, but you should never be too busy to let the customer know how long you need before you can attend to them. By providing accurate wait times, guests are less likely to become impatient and can determine whether they have time to do other things such as speak to the concierge or go to the bathroom while they wait. Communication is key to reassuring your customers and making sure they know that you care.
11. Establish a connection between you and the guest
Compliments can make someone’s day, so if you like someone’s earrings or they’re wearing a sweatshirt with your college logo on it, tell them. Complimenting people is a sure way to strike up a conversation and establish a point of connection. It’s also a way of making them feel good.
12. Provide a welcome drink or treat
After a long trip, it’s always nice when a hotel offers a complimentary drink or treat. Whether it’s coffee, tea, water or a warm cookie, offering guests something upon arrival is a small gesture that will make a big impression.
13. Acknowledge special requests
Take a quick look at a guest’s profile and see if they’ve requested anything like a no-smoking room, a balcony or accessibility aids. You will not only save them the trouble of asking, but also make sure that they feel heard.
14. Offer some helpful tips about the location
If your guests have time, ask if they’d like some helpful tips about the location. Providing this information, whether it’s getting out a map and showing them where popular attractions are in relation to the hotel or explaining where they can catch public transportation, can elevate a guest’s experience. Even something as small as telling them where the closest grocery store is or sharing your favorite place for authentic cuisine can go a long way.
15. Explain any policies or procedures
If you’re taking a key deposit or security deposit and blocking it on their credit card, make sure it’s clear from the beginning. This goes the same for any procedures that might be of concern during their visit, like the reception closing by a certain time or having to use a different door to enter the hotel after hours. The more you can answer questions at this point, the less likely it is that they will face any issues, and you won’t have to field the same questions repeatedly.
16. Make sure your lobby is spick and span
The hotel lobby is the first area a guest sees upon arrival, so it's crucial to keep it clean and inviting. Ensure the lobby and reception areas are spotless, plants are well-watered and healthy, flowers are fresh, and there is no clutter on the front desk.
17. Rely on digital tools
Utilizing digital tools like tablets, kiosks or mobiles will help make the check-in process smooth and efficient, enhancing the guest experience. These technologies not only streamline admin tasks and reduce the wait times, but they can also provide personalized recommendations that will further elevate your guest’s stay.
18. Show cultural sensitivity
Your front desk staff can't be expected to know all languages, but greeting guests in their native language can make them feel welcome and at home. It's a good idea to teach basic greetings in several languages to your staff. If guests need translation services, be sure to have tools on hand that will help you communicate. Also, it’s important to be aware of cultural differences and be neutral in your greetings, avoiding physical contact so that no one feels uncomfortable.
19. Give a personalized welcome
When greeting a guest that you’ve served before, make sure to acknowledge them by using their name if you know it. This personal touch shows that you recognize and appreciate their continued loyalty. You can also enhance their experience by mentioning their previous stays, or any special preferences that they have. This level of attention demonstrates your commitment to exceptional service and helps foster strong, lasting relationships with loyal guests.
20. Use professional and appropriate body language
The front desk staff’s presence is everything, so commanding an air of confidence and professionalism through body language is key. An upright posture helps to convey attentiveness, and natural hand gestures will help to aid in cross-cultural communication. Ultimately, it’s important for guests to feel the same level of enthusiasm whether they’re the first guest of the day or one among many during a busy period.
How can Mews help your hotel improve the guest welcoming process?
Rely on Mews for the perfect guest welcoming process. By leveraging guest profiles, you can gain insights into guests’ preferences, loyalty status, and special occasions to be celebrated, empowering you to personalize experiences from the moment guests arrive.
With Mews' online check-in, you can streamline procedures, freeing your front desk to focus solely on delivering exceptional welcomes instead of handling guest details and paperwork upon arrival. This ensures a memorable guest experience unlike any other.
We’ve discussed in detail how important first impressions are when guests arrive at your hotel, showcasing the impact that this initial interaction can have. This first connection serves as the basis for the rest of their hotel experience, so make sure you are greeting guests like it matters. Start by finding a point of contact, asking questions, or providing information that they are likely to want to know such as important points of interest within the hotel. Make sure to be cordial no matter how busy you are, and to let people know how long they will need to wait before you can help them.
Managing expectations and providing a good first impression is an important part of providing a top-notch hotel experience. Making guests feel special by smiling at them and offering to help them will leave a lasting impression, and thereby improve retention rates and boost your hotel’s reputation both on and offline. Most importantly, don’t underestimate the power of first contact in ensuring lifelong customers.
Perfecting how you talk to guests
Learn how to perfect your guest messaging across multiple channels and it will help you increase loyalty, boost revenue, and ultimately achieve a higher lifetime value for guests.
Our guide toPerfecting Guest Communicationwill show you how.

Eva Lacalle
Eva has over a decade of international experience in marketing, communication, events and digital marketing. When she's not at work, she's probably surfing, dancing, or exploring the world.

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